
The Secret to Successful Financial 目标 Setting for Families

Family on couch with kids

Achieving financial 目标s is about making different choices. But for many people (of all ages), "choices" is code for "restrictions." So it's no wonder that setting money 目标s as a family can be a serious challenge. You might be met with crossed arms and a few eye rolls, but setting family money 目标s can teach kids about the importance of saving before they leave home — as well as help you achieve the 目标s you set. 

If the last time you tried to set financial 目标s as a family you were met with "This is so boring,或者类似的评论, we encourage you to try these tactics to make financial 目标 setting more fun. 


Let each member of the household suggest a family 目标. Giving every family member a voice in the 目标 setting process not only builds commitment, but it can spark great ideas. Place everyone's suggestions in a bowl or hat and have the youngest family member randomly pick out the winning 目标.

Set 目标 Every Family Member Can Enjoy 

If a 目标 would only be fun for the youngest family members or for the adults, someone is going to resist. A financial 目标 that the entire family would enjoy might include a weekend trip or a theme park visit. 一个“无聊”的目标, such as paying down a credit card balance, might only be exciting for the whole family if there are fun rewards along the way. 目标 centered on adult activities, like visiting a vineyard, should be separate from family 目标s.


Having a visual reminder of your family's financial 目标s is a surefire way to help maintain focus. You might design a vision board full of pictures of your 目标. Or, if you prefer to go digital, your family can create a Pinterest board that contains a collection of online images, 报价, and other visual reminders to stay on track. 

When you or other family members are tempted to spend money on non-necessities, your vision board acts as a reminder of why skipping that impulse buy is the best decision for your financial future.


Some financial 目标s take months — or even years — to achieve. When you're trying to achieve a family financial 目标, focusing on what you have to give up can make it harder. You might find yourself or other family members wanting to abandon the 目标. This is why it's essential to have a reward system in place.

例如, if your family's financial 目标 是 save $1,000 for holiday expenses, consider setting a reward each time your family saves $250. The rewards should be small or free, so they don't take away from the progress you've made. But they should be something everyone can enjoy to keep that motivation going strong.

Put Younger Family Members in Charge

Give your little ones and teens responsibility in the 目标 setting process to help them learn about responsible money management. They could be the 目标 record keepers, 硬币计数器, or even run the family meetings where you review your progress. Your younger family members might also be the best source for determining the rewards that will keep motivation high.

Remember to keep 目标 setting fun. While setting and achieving financial 目标s requires a change in spending habits, your family can enjoy the process every step of the way. The feeling of accomplishment and time spent with your family before, 在, and after achieving your 目标 can be priceless.