


金钱习惯自然会随着时间而改变. Young twenty-somethings are unlikely to spend their paychecks in the same way as mid-life earners planning on early retirement. Whether you're like the nearly 40% of millennials whom a Credit Karma/Qualtrics study found have fallen victim to FOMO spending , 或者你把自己归类为间歇性节省者, almost every income earner hopes to avoid a life filled with financial stress and uncertainty.

The journey to financial security often contains unwelcome surprises and distractions. 但, 如果你知道沿途要注意什么, you'll have a better chance of avoiding the pebbles in your path that could lead to debt, 储蓄不足, 信用不良. 回顾一下这张金钱陷阱清单, 按年代排序, and discover what you can do to avoid making these common financial mistakes.



Whether it's a college education at an ivy league school or a first car, adults in their 20s often want it now and will incur debt to obtain it. 但, 没有支付学费或其他费用的计划, 许多年轻人最终背负的债务超出了他们的承受能力.

如果你从大学毕业 平均学生贷款债务为32,731美元, you can expect to spend $300+ per month for at least ten years to bring the balance to zero. Starting your adult life with a heavy debt load can put you behind the eight ball financially.


Before you sign that student loan promissory note, look for funding alternatives that include :

Speak with your financial aid office to uncover additional options. 或者,耐心地存钱,直到你能买得起你想要的东西.


After you've landed your first full-time job, you might feel rich. Earning more than you've ever made in your life is an exhilarating feeling. 直到账单到期为止. After rent, utilities, and a car payment, you might be left with just enough money for entertainment. The last thing you're likely thinking about is saving for the future. This can be a colossal mistake since time is on your side when it comes to saving.


先支付自己. 如果你的雇主提供一个匹配的退休储蓄计划,它.e., 401k,投资至少达到匹配的金额. 未来的自己会感谢你的规划智慧. 拒绝雇主匹配就像拒绝免费的钱.



At this point, you've likely added several credit cards to your financial arsenal. 因为它们很方便, you might use them to buy what you want when you want it while ignoring the price tag. 最近的一次职位晋升证明了支出的上升是合理的. 但如果你环顾四周, you might notice that the items you're buying are fun for a brief time, 但在派对结束后很长一段时间,它们仍然会让你付出代价. 例如, 当你不再有兴趣使用你的ATV, RV, 或船, you still have to make loan payments and pay for storage and maintenance costs.


Save for significant expenses after you've allocated funds for retirement savings and built an emergency savings nest egg. 当你准备好挥霍的时候, look for alternative ways to have the same experience by renting rather than buying, 使用优惠券, 或者与其他人分摊费用.



在人生的这个阶段, you might feel you have to choose between the financial needs of growing children with college expenses on the horizon, 需要额外照顾的年迈父母, 你的退休账户也没有你希望的那么多. 更糟糕的是, you might feel pressured to withdraw money from your retirement savings to help your children and parents. 这种财政紧缩可能会毁掉你未来的财务状况.


Speak with a qualified financial advisor about your options before you touch your retirement accounts. You'll want to understand the risk and penalties associated with early withdrawals and explore alternative ways to meet the demands of family.



If your financial life has been smooth sailing until this point - congratulations! It's also possible that you've recovered from a few financial missteps in your early years and are more financially stable in your 50s. Your life experience also puts you in a position as the "go-to" person in the family for financial advice. 作为一个知识渊博的资源是一件美好的事情, being known as the person who'll always lend money or cosign can do more harm than good. 你不想让花了几年时间才取得的成果付诸东炬.


建立界限并坚持下去. 转向你的经历, 不是你良好的信用或沙巴买球账户, 帮助朋友和家人在他们需要的时候. Don't forget that there might be wedding expenses and retirement plans just around the corner.



你有足够的钱在67岁退休吗? 如果你在62岁时获得社会保障福利会发生什么? 你将如何支付退休后的医疗费用? The answers to these questions are best pondered at each life stage, but many people may wait until these questions are at their door before giving them the attention they deserve. 而数字因来源而异, these answers will depend on how much you've saved and your desired retirement lifestyle.

Note that healthcare is one of the most underestimated costs of retirement. Fidelity Investments estimates that married couples age 65+ who retire today will need 28.5万美元用于支付医疗费用.


尽早并经常回顾你的退休投资组合. Invite a second set of eyes to review your finances to ensure proper diversification for your life stage by scheduling a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with a qualified 投资服务 professional. They can discuss your specific financial situation and help identify ways you can better prepare for your retirement.

The way you handle money during each decade can either cause you to stumble or pave the way for a bright future. If you've made money mistakes that make it challenging to regain financial footing, 我们也许能帮上忙.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 800-444-4816 to speak with a Member Advocate about your options.