
Budget for These Commonly Overlooked Car Ownership Expenses


All it took was one final test drive to convince yourself that you'd found "The One" — the perfect vehicle. It meets all your specs, including color, style, and safety features. And with financing in order, you're ready to grab the keys to your new (or new-to-you) vehicle. 但在你签字之前, 坐到驾驶座上, 然后开着你的新车离开, 慢下来,仔细检查你的预算. 

The cost to own your vehicle extends beyond the dollar amount you've paid or financed. According to AAA, the overall average cost to own and operate a new car in 2020 was $9,561.  他们的计算包括:

  • 折旧
  • 财务费用
  • 燃料成本
  • 保险费
  • 许可证、注册费和税费
  • 维修费、修理费和轮胎费

有些成本是你无法控制的,比如折旧. Others, like license, registration, and taxes, may already be included in the purchase price. While the monthly payment likely fits your budget, other ownership costs might surprise you. 

Review your budget to ensure you've earmarked enough money for these commonly overlooked expenses.


Exploring your financing options could save you hundreds of dollars in interest charges over the life of the loan. If you’re buying a used vehicle, check to see if the lender offers the same rates for older models. Some lenders reserve their best rates for cars and trucks that are less than three years old.

你对新车感兴趣吗? Shop around for the lowest interest rate possible and bypass long-term loans to save the most money on financing. 如果你只有资格获得高利率贷款, consider refinancing your auto loan once your credit score or financial situation improves. Lowering your financing costs can help lighten your monthly expenses with smaller loan payments. 

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汽油价格波动的原因有很多. 而需求, 全球经济形势, and seasonal changes influence how much you pay at the pump, there are two things that won't change: the size of your gas tank and the fuel economy of your vehicle. Smaller cars and hybrid vehicles will continue to have lower fuel costs when compared to full-size SUVs.

访问 to perform a side-by-side comparison of at least three vehicles and discover how your dream car compares to different models. The comparison tool provides the tank size and estimates the cost to fill it as well as your annual fuel costs. It even lets you know how your chosen vehicle compares to the average new vehicle.


一些车辆费用, 比如维护成本, 维修, and tires are difficult to compare even among similar vehicles with the same sales price. For example, Bill and Bob each buy a $25,728 sports coupe with the same financing arrangements. Bill is a traveling salesperson who prefers to drive instead of fly, and Bob uses his car to travel within the city where he lives. 在五年的时间里, Bob's car will cost more than Bill's due to increased maintenance, 维修, 以及轮胎更换.

You can check your 5-Year Cost to Own estimate by visiting the Kelly Blue Book (KBB) website. 在那里, you can enter the make and model of a specific vehicle or you can check out an entire vehicle class to find out which vehicles in the class have the lowest cost to own. KBB also factors in depreciation and other costs and provides a detailed explanation of the expenses.


Most lenders require financed vehicles to carry collision and comprehensive insurance in addition to the minimum liability coverage required for your state. The additional coverage protects the lender if your vehicle is stolen or totaled in an accident and makes it possible for them to recoup the amount remaining on the loan. 

通常被称为“全覆盖”," adding collision and comprehensive coverage means you'll pay more than if you only had liability insurance. It's possible to keep these insurance costs to a minimum by exploring discounts that are often available for members of certain groups and organizations. You might even lower your insurance costs by remaining accident-free for a set period. Always ask your insurance agent about any discounts you may be eligible for.

Prepare your budget for the true cost of vehicle ownership by considering more than the sticker price. 然后, put your car in gear and drive off into the sunset knowing you made a good choice for your finances.