


The wedding venue isn't the only locale you should research before exchanging vows. 与 蜜月平均花费5000美元, continuing your celebration after your big day could mean added financial stress as you start your new life together. Whether you envision an all-inclusive resort, 体验式旅行, 或者白色的沙滩, the average price of a honeymoon has steadily increased since 2017*. 和, current financial conditions might further increase travel, 食物, and lodging costs as companies try to recoup losses from early 2020.

但, there's no need to skip your post-wedding trip all-together. Staying flexible during the honeymoon planning stage can help keep costs and stress levels down. Here are five stress-free ways to honeymoon on a budget. 

1. 明确优先级

Agree on the honeymoon experience you'd like to create to set your focus and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Gather your laptop and your partner and get ready to dream. 列出一张不容谈判的清单. If you stay flexible with everything that didn't make the list, it's possible to locate an affordable honeymoon destination.

例如, if luxury accommodations are of primary importance, your dream destination may be right in your backyard (or state). 但, if a trip to the East Coast or an international sightseeing adventure tops your list, then travel costs will be a priority over accommodation expenses.  

2. 制定预算

It will be nearly impossible to honeymoon on a budget unless you set a spending limit before making your first reservation. After you've had time to explore your honeymoon possibilities, 现实地看待你的财务状况, 然后决定你能花多少钱, 考虑到你的其他沙巴买球. However much you choose to save for your honeymoon should be placed in a designated savings account. 

Divide your honeymoon budget into expense categories. A typical breakdown includes accommodations, activities, transportation, and 食物 and drink. The breakdown of expenses will depend on your priorities.

例如, 如果豪华住宿是最重要的, then up to 60% of your budget should be set aside for those expenses. Add a 10% cushion to your savings budget to account for price fluctuations or exchange rates at your destination.

3. 保持灵活

Just as in marriage, planning a honeymoon you'll both enjoy requires compromise. Let's continue with the earlier example where luxury accommodations are the priority. If you're unable to find a preferred hotel or resort in your state, 你可能会选择到州外旅行. 但, allow for alternative, and sometimes less convenient, transportation options to save big. 

Here are a few alternative tips that might save money:

  • Book the first or last airline flight of the day
  • 乘火车而不是飞机旅行
  • Select an airport in a nearby town with lower fares and drive the rest of the way to your honeymoon destination 
  • Delay your honeymoon and travel during the off-season
  • 比较蜜月套餐 
  • 少住几晚

A little give and take could leave more cash in your bank account for your top priorities. 

4. 创建一个蜜月登记处或基金

A natural extension of the wedding gift registry is a honeymoon registry. You can set up a gift or cash fund at major retailers or websites that specialize in helping couples pay for their dream honeymoons. 例如, when you set up a personal webpage at sites like Honeyfund or 结现金基金, wedding guests can make cash gifts to help cover your honeymoon expenses. It's a convenient gift option for guests and beneficial to couples who already have plenty of household items.

5. 点击信用卡奖励和福利

根据Statista的数据, 最常用的旅游信用卡奖励 飞行时免费托运行李吗. 如果你有奖励信用卡的话, this might only be the start of how much can be saved with travel rewards. Contact your card issuer to confirm the points you have available and whether you can redeem them for additional travel discounts or cashback. 

Even non-rewards based credit cards can help you keep costs down. 例如, 签证®持卡人 have access to Travel and Emergency Assistance Services, 汽车租赁碰撞损害豁免, 及更换紧急咭 & 现金支出. Unexpected events can happen while on your honeymoon. Take advantage of these credit card perks to help you worry less and enjoy your vacation more.

It's possible to begin your happily ever after without unnecessary debt. Prioritize, plan, then prepare to create memories that will last a lifetime.
